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                The "forever last" of jewelry is all about the proper use,

their cleaning but their storage care.

Jewelry that is made of silver, but also of other materials (gold, bronze, with semiprecious stones, etc.) are

quite sensitive and for this reason we are careful not to hit them, so that they do not scratch, warp or break.

We avoid wearing our jewelry when we swim, when we are at sea and when

we sleep, when we workout or when we do other strenuous activity if we want them to last longer. 

Jewelry should not come into contact with cosmetics, because chemicals can damage them,

alter their luster or color and may accelerate their oxidation. 

We recommend to wear the jewelry, after the application of cosmetics and make up. 

As we could say, the jewelry completes our appearance!


                                  Jewelry care and cleaning

After using the jewelry it will be good to wipe them with a soft cloth or with special cloths

jewelry cleaning, before storing them until their next use. The cloth will remove any

cosmetics and sweat, which if left on jewelry can accelerate blur and

their superficial tan. We can restore the shine of a silver jewelry by rubbing it 

gently with a toothbrush, hot water and baking soda powder and rinse

with clean water. Then we can dry it with the hair dryer.



All jewelry should be stored when not in use, as they may oxidize.

It is recommended to keep them in a safe storage in order to avoid the exposition to the atmosphere and environment with humidity.
It is preferable to store the jewelry seperately to avoid the contct between one another. 

Ideal Storage Ideas : Jewelry boxes, fabric, leather or velvet cases or even plastic airtight bags

(with zip closure) is the best solution. If you do not have any of the above, the jewelry packaging

that you bought the jewel can be also used as a storage box.



Don't forget to ask the jewelry store

for the better care of the jewel and if it can be

repaired if needed!